Driving the Future: Accelerating the Green Transportation Workforce

  • Educating Future Climate Leaders

    Partnering with school districts to provide paid internships in green career training

  • “Driving the Future” Report

    Accelerating the green transportation workforce

  • Student Profile: Ariana Robles

    How her CAPS internship led to her passion for sustainable construction

  • Career Opportunities in the Green Economy

    Learn about job roles in green building design & construction

Climate Action Pathways for Schools (CAPS) partners with school districts to lower operating costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and advance climate literacy.


We provide a project-based learning program to prepare students for green jobs by helping them develop and execute projects that mitigate climate change, resulting in more equitable, sustainable, and resilient schools and communities.

CAPS provides students with the resources to reclaim the future from the threat of climate change while also introducing them to green career opportunities through paid internships and work-based learning programs.



CAPS partners with school districts to provide inspiring climate education programs and facilitate student-led projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We collaborate with district leadership, the business office and operations, and educational services teams to develop a climate action plan that students implement to achieve academic and environmental goals.


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